HIPAA compliant healthcare platform
Automated Remote Patient Monitoring app
How it works
Privacy & Security
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We’re HIPAA compliant
and data, PHI privacy & security is our #1 priority.

AWS hosting

We only use HIPAA compliant AWS hosting services; with your own hosted database if preferred.

Secure platform build

From secure authentication & 2FA to encryption at rest and login timeouts, our platform has all bases covered.

Global data centres

Our platform databases are stored globally in the closest data centre to your organisation and patient base.

On-going security audits

We routinely update to the latest server and code level security patches ensuring all touch points are secure.

secure healthcare platform
secure healthcare apps

We go above and beyond to keep your data safe

HIPAA AWS hosting services

Our platform is hosted on Amazon Web Services with secure and scalable global distribution across all AWS data centres.

Secure build principles

Kenko follows HIPAA compliance and code level development principles ensuring data can be accessed by authorised personal only.

Security is our top priority

Our platform incorporates the latest security principles including 2FA, HTTPS connections, IP restrictions, authentication timeouts and more – contact us for more info on our security stance framework.

Want to learn more about how we protect your data and privacy? Read our full privacy policy